(This is a republished post. You can view the original posting HERE.)
As with my other site,
Distant Words Publishing, I feel it prudent to take a moment and outline at least a small amount of
what to expect from my site here. This is intended to be my 'Author' site, and although I do not consider myself to be a writer, I am an author; technically speaking. And Author Sites are at least somewhat expected for any given author.
I was never big on blogging; in fact, I never had the desire to write blogs until I codded the blogging extension for my original CMS with
Distant Web back in 2014. After that, I felt somewhat compelled to try and blog from time to time, mostly so that the time and effort I put into the software didn't go to waste. However, I never exactly stuck with that.
I'm just not a writer, as I've said over and over again (and will continue to point out unless I somehow feel differently in the future).
But I would be lying if I didn't say that I wasn't a little proud of at least some of my older blogs; blogs which are now gone, thanks to my shift in focus and the total purging of my old site/software. I'd also be lying if I said that there were absolutely no topics that weren't stuck in my mind which needed some amount of venting.
Therefore, I do have some ideas. I cannot guarantee that I will stick to any of these ideas (I never did well with that in the past), but at the very least, this is the current plan:
First and foremost, my immediate goals revolve around the finalization and publication of my debut novel,
The Scars Of Gaia. I will most certainly be posting about that from time to time, In some cases, those posts will be centered on the Distant Words Publishing site and then probably pushed out here. And if a specific posting doesn't fit over there I will post it here.
I will also write new blogs from time to time, whenever inspiration strikes. Then from time to time, I will be going through the archives of my older posts; if anything there feels worthy of republishing (after some polishing of course), this will be the outlet for those efforts.
When it comes to brand new fiction stories, that is completely unpredictable. I never imagined writing one story, let alone more. The fact that one did come to me certainly shows that more could come to me as well. But there are no guarantees.
I did write a short story connected to my novel, but absolutely no one else has ever read that; no one seems compelled to at the moment. And honestly, I don't think it's very good anyway so leaving it unread may be best. I am also somewhat thinking about a direct sequel to my novel, but I really cannot focus on that until that novel is finished and published.
That's a bit of an overly complicated way of saying, who the hell knows if I will ever write and make public any future fictional writings. But IF I do, this is where they will either appear, or simply be promoted (if they are published/posted elsewhere).
As one final note; any blogs posted here probably will not get a huge amount of attention from me, at least in terms of polishing. From what I understand, blogs are traditionally meant to be somewhat rough and raw. Or am I completely wrong about that?
Anyway, thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out, either by posting a comment (registration required) or sending an email from the contact page.
Thank you for reading my post! Please consider checking out my debut novel,
The Scars of Gaia, here on my website! The entire novel can be downloaded for free in multiple digital formats.